Things to Consider When Hiring a Chauffeur

Even if you are perfectly capable of driving yourself, you have a driver’s license, car, and clean driving record; it is not always the ideal option.
Driving yourself is not always the most convenient, comfortable, or safe way to travel. A private chauffeur can help meet your and your family’s transportation needs on an ongoing or occasional basis depending upon your lifestyle and personal preferences.
Have you been considering using a personal driver but are not sure how to go about hiring one? Here’s how to hire the right private driver to meet your needs and take away the burden of driving yourself and your family members.
Reasons to Hire a Private Family Chauffeur
A personal driver is a convenient and safe way for you and your family to get to work, school, meetings, extracurricular activities, and social outings. When someone else to do the driving, you can catch up on emails or even hold calls. Having a private chauffeur reduces the stress and frustration associated with traffic and parking. Having a driver also helps you arrive where you need to be on time. Typically families always use their chauffeur when going and returning from the airport.
Since private family chauffeurs take pride in their appearance and the appearance of the vehicle, you’ll make a good impression every time you arrive at your destination. It’s also a smart idea to have a private driver when you have social plans for a night out because you’ll never have to worry about who the designated driver will be.
Personal Driver Job Description
While a private driver’s primary and most apparent responsibility is driving, this professional can do a whole lot more than hold the wheel and steer. In fact, part of the personal driver job description is assisting people in and out of the car, running errands, carrying luggage, and making appointments to have the vehicle repaired, serviced, and cleaned. These are critical tasks for elderly adults, people with mobility challenges, parents with young children, and anyone with a busy schedule.
A personal driver can also assist you with clearing snow and ice from driveways and sidewalks, chaperoning children to and from activities, exercising pets, and performing security duties. Many of the private family chauffeur professionals have law enforcement backgrounds and possess valid weapon carrying permits to help you feel safe and secure everywhere you go.
Important Questions to Ask Private Driver Candidates
Since every private driver is unique and has a different skill set and range of experience, it’s important to ask the right questions before making a hiring decision. These are some of the key questions to ask potential private driver candidates:
- What private driver jobs have you worked in the past?
- Have you received any driving-related tickets or violations?
- How long have you had a driver’s license?
- What hours are you available to perform driving tasks?
- How familiar are you with driving in this particular city or region?
- How do you overcome and cope with the stresses of traffic and parking?
- How do you stay punctual and on schedule with your driving assignments?
- What do you enjoy about being a chauffeur?
How to Hire a Driver
Since you’ll likely spend a good amount of time with your driver, you should also find someone whose personality you enjoy and who you can relax with. You will also need to determine how often you will need chauffeur services and how to arrange for insurance, expenses, and scheduling.
It is also recommended to ensure that potential private chauffeur candidates have been pre-screened for their skills and experience before meeting with you. This is why it’s always best to work through a trusted staffing company, like Joanna Gray Agency, to help you narrow down the very best candidates.